wow productivity

So.. kitchen STILL isnt done.. I guess my silent thanksgiving goal of having a kitchen is going to go unacheived. Maybe christmas! Dishwasher is in though! I should go and pick that up today. Despite the inactivity in my kitchen though.. I have done tons of laundry in the past week and have found that there wasnt enough room in my closet for all my clothes. So.. taking brette's lead I went and bought a rubbermaid closet organizer. TOO COOL. So yesterday I ripped out the old closet rod (I am really good at this demolitian stuff) and then painted the closet this really pretty blue that i whipped up myself out of two different colors of paint I had stored away. Then I reinstalled the closet organizer. Looks great! Tonight maybe I will put hinges on kitchen cupboards. Hmmm..


Jodi said...

I have a good dea... get rid of those clothes that you don't wear!!! haha I'm one to speak! BUT that has been my plan all week, so maybe after OTH tonight I will carry it out!! If I haven't worn it in the last 5 months (hitting every season) unless its a super wintery thing its hitting the 'ol green garbage bag... YIKES the mere thought of this scares me!!
Have fun kitchening!!

Allana said...

I already have a WHOLE big bag of stuff to chuck in the red bins!

Jodi said...

I have an idea for your kitchen... make your BIRTHDAY a goal and host a happy birthday Allana party before we head off to NY!!!