drawers and appliances in..

Pic 1 is the kitchen as is now.. little bit of progress since my last post. I have also had a guy come and measure for countertops.. which are going to cost more than I would like but I want them to turn out finished GREAT.. not "somewhat great" so splurge I will I guess! On a bright note..did you check out the big beautiful new fridge!
Pic 2 is what's left to do. That is a pile of tools, doors, and dishwasher.
Pic 3 is me claiming my living room BACK as LIVING SPACE! YAY. Almost normal again.

Oh. PS we have a TON of snow! Yup. TON. My back is killing me from shoveling! It just piled up over night the way it does sometimes in the mountains! I could go sleding right now! Cept for my sled is 45min of icy roads away.. anyways.. the story about the snow today is that i decided to be the nice neighbor to the CRAZY neighbor and I bundled up and went out and shovelled Stella's driveway and sidewalks. Which I thought was rather nice of me. I just figured that she's old and I am young and I am having trouble shovelling so it would probably be quite difficult for her. Ya I spent like an hour doing this and then she comes outside with a bottle of Drambuigh (sp?) liquer as a token of thanks I guess. THEN she starts sweeping off her car and THEN starts DIRECTING me as to what to do with the snow off the car! EXCUSE ME, but I did already shovel THERE! But thanks for the nasty alcohol.

Night Night!

pretty pretty

time for doors

Well thanks to my great dad I now have what appears to be a KITCHEN. Yes! G&M Plumbing came and fixed the leak.. and fixed the crazy drainpipe for my kitchen sink. Then dad came and we worked all afternoon on sunday, then he came down again and worked all evening on monday and then he worked all by himself on tuesday and they are all in place! So now I get to figure out the drawers and doors and etc. And order countertop! I better do that part ASAP now that I think about it. So a ginormous (dont think thats a word) thanks going out to dear ole DAD!!! THANKS!!

If anyone feels like being a tough guy - I have some appliances to move into place now.

Calling all plumbers!!!

Well weeks like this are when I miss "grandpa" McCurdy the most. Leaky pipe in the basement..pipe adjustments to do upstairs.. the list goes on. What a special man he was. I think he actually has heard me calling for his help the last couple days - all this rain we are getting has to be some sort of sign. Seems to rain when he is needed these days (jode's wedding..?)

Meanwhile my usless uncle promised to come and help with this last night and then repromised to come tonight.. which I totally didnt believe.. and sure enough.. no uncle dave. GRR.. and to think Dad thought that he would get help out of him this weekend. Ya right. Tina to the rescue. Turns out Shawn Clarkson is in town for a couple weeks so I am going to call him tomorrow and see what he thinks about coming to help.

Jodi and Jeremy are finally home! Yay.. I have missed them! But now its bedtime!
Ps. I just love that pic.. so even though it has no relevance to this post..its cute!


Just keep on snowin baby! If my quad has a flat and is "unaccessible" then maybe it could snow and I could use my sled. Need to get a new windsheild - but other than that it's rarin to go!

Friday night was great. I went out with Derek and Benji and met up with Brette, and Neal and Smurph and and and..above is a pic from that night! It's a gooder!

Last night I went and gave my totally successful pic's of team mcdonald to them. They were very happy with them. This weather may interfere greatly with my plan to take lots of pics for people this month! I hope I can still go out next weekend with Liz and do that shoot.

Well this about tops it!

Daily DogScope
October 13, 2006

You have been sticking close to home, in accordance with a new obedience project. There's still plenty to see and do. Appreciate the smaller things in life -- your rubber chewie or a new squeaky toy can take you over the rainbow.

omigod. Since WHEN does a dog need a horoscope?! hahahaha.. Well this is Abbie's for today! LOL

just under 3hrs..haha


well I wouldnt be counting down already but it is slow this morning and I am in a wonderful mood yet again. I think I am going to have to start getting up earlier regularly. Maybe take the time to cuddle with Abbie and eat a decent breakfast. Ya! that can be my new thing once my kitchen is all finished. Its just so nice to not be in this huge overslept kinda rush.

Jodi and Jeremy are STILL on their Honeymoon. I got one email from them - sounded like they were having fun but it was only their second day. They will be gone until like next thursday.

Today is friday the 13th! Is anyone supersticious? How do you spell that!

ready for hometime

hey! its just me checkin in as per usual. last night mom and dad came down for a bit and we put up a couple cabinets! COOL eh! We are now at the point where the sink plumbing is going to probably interfere with the lazy susun being able to be installed. This would surely stink.

Pic's of McDonalds went well. We caught the evening light and sunsets and all that. I dropped off the film for developing at London Drugs today at lunch but apparently their machine is down until tomorrow so no pics to look at today! awww. I also dropped off some pics for reprints (5x7's) of the Gulick Girls.. and as big as they can make here in town of that fall trail pic I took. This is for Liz at work - she LOVES it and has a specific spot in her house for it. She also has another spot that I am going to take a pic for! AND she wants me to take pics of her family next weekend. Hopefully there will still be fall colors out!

ok.. well I should get back to work! but ps. remember that guy from dukes @ jodi's stagette? well FYI.. things are goin good with that! Which totally excites me. Anyways... ;)

Foggy Day

This morning I woke up to the delightful peacefulness of a total fog all over GP. Not thick nasty I cant see through it to drive fog, but mist on your window cant see things far away kinda fog. It is now 10 am and it still hasnt lifted at all. Abbie got up for her morning pee and really had no idea what was going on outside.. I think she thought it was weird - she paused on the doorstep for a second to decide if it was safe before running down onto the lawn.

I have decided I want a digital camera. Sorry.. I have a digital camera - now I want a DSLR. Canon seems to have the most available but I am not a big fan of dad's canon which from what I can tell is a entry level not gonna break the bank sort of model. I have been really happy with my pentax SLR but they dont seem to have the megapixels available. It would be nice to be able to swap around my lenses from camera to camera though. Anyways this is a sort of far away purchase dream cause right now all my extra $$ is going towards my kitchen. I have been thinking that I could make the camera pay for itself by doing photo sessions for people and charging for them. But how much do you charge and how do you get people to pay for your hobby! Tonight I am going out to Shelley's to take a family picture of them - that is if the weather snaps out of its sad fog and into some happier weather (not necessarily SUN.. just not blah!) Although..now that i think about it this may be the way to go.. hmmmm. But ya.. I cant exactly charge shelley for the pics.. cept for maybe supper!

Well if anyone is wondering I have been thinking that a starting session could be $100 and that would include 48 exp, 4x7's of each, the negatives, and an 11x14 of your favorite print.


In case you havent heard... I still have no kitchen. It is getting kinda depressing. But my weekend was great! Would have liked to sleep in until 11am this morning like I did for the last three days - that just doesnt get old.

Last night mom and dad and grandma and ump and I went to the Keg for supper. That was good and we actually had good service and were in and out of there in the "allowed" time. So our server got a nice tip. On sunday I went for what mom decided to call "sterkey turkey" Ya I know.. kinda lame (not the turkey.. the comment from mom). Dinner was really good. Brette and I went to "The black dahlia" last night - pretty good movie.. slight twist at the end. I didnt know there were lesbian bars in 1947 but apparently there were? (there was in THAT movie anyways!).

hmm.. wonder what I shall do tonight!


Ok.. I think I was whining about not getting ANY turkey this weekend. Well not anymore. I just had turkey dinner - well two hours ago and I am still in that omigod full stage. Yikes. But it was good! Great really! The buns I brought were not so good. Kinda dry. Farmers market buns or not.. they were dry. I am just listening to the end of Ty's second game. Supposedly we should be able to WATCH it. AND I did watch the intermission and beginning of the game - but I sure didnt get to watch the game. Nope. Whole thing shut down. Not even the live game tracker is working. It is stuck in a moment of the game 10 or so hockey minutes ago. So here I listen. There is about 2 min left. I just got super excited cause Ty was shooting on net. No luck.. But then the other team pulled their goalie and the knights just scored an empty net powerplay goal with just seconds left. YAY. Thats two wins! GO KNIGHTS!

7ish hours till a long weekend! yippee!

I should get up early every morning! Or go to bed early everynight.. one of the two. or both. Two days in a row I have been in a great mood in the morning. Although it was difficult to get out of the warm snuggliness of bed this morning. I watched grey's anatomy last night and had bbq'd ribeye and ceaser salad for supper out in Beaverlodge. Totally yum. I had to laugh.. we had supper out there cause I dont have a kitchen, but when I went to the grocery store I ended up buying stuff that doesnt really REQUIRE a kitchen to cook! The salad was out of a bag, and safeway preseasoned the steaks, which we cooked on the BBQ. But it was definately nice to sit down at the kitchen table and eat like a normal person rather than hunched over a stool (my version of tv trays) at my couch.. with a dog hoping you will drop some for her to nibble on.

As for this weekend I am so excited about.. not sure why. I have zero plans. Mom and dad are gone to NY to visit Ty.. asked gramma what she was doin and she said she didnt know either. I hope someone decides to invite me for Turkey. Last time people were cooking turkey was easter and I was sick and couldnt actually TASTE what I was eating. Hard to believe we sat there at Jodi's discussing her wedding plans and NOW poof her wedding has come and gone!! Crazy!

Well I better get back to another exciting day at work! Happy Thanksgiving all!


hhaha! I am in the greatest mood today! i think its cause I went to sleep last night at like 10:30 and got like a full 9 hours in. That doesnt happen very often but it was sure nice. Abbie was being all cudly this morning too so I still didnt want to get up. But work is work and one always has to go! Oh and I am having a good hair day! So here I am. I didnt get the hinges on last night as planned.. nor did I pick up my dishwasher ..a) cause i had noone to unload it with me and b) cause sears wasnt open when I left work.

As per jodi's comment on my last entry I think that my birthday is a GOOD goal! I think next weekend would be a good time to install if not sooner! but I dont know if I can get the countertops in soon enough for my birthday if i wait to order them until I have everything installed as was the plan.

Grey's Anatomy is on tonight in case everyone doesnt know! Cant wait!

wow productivity

So.. kitchen STILL isnt done.. I guess my silent thanksgiving goal of having a kitchen is going to go unacheived. Maybe christmas! Dishwasher is in though! I should go and pick that up today. Despite the inactivity in my kitchen though.. I have done tons of laundry in the past week and have found that there wasnt enough room in my closet for all my clothes. So.. taking brette's lead I went and bought a rubbermaid closet organizer. TOO COOL. So yesterday I ripped out the old closet rod (I am really good at this demolitian stuff) and then painted the closet this really pretty blue that i whipped up myself out of two different colors of paint I had stored away. Then I reinstalled the closet organizer. Looks great! Tonight maybe I will put hinges on kitchen cupboards. Hmmm..