Foggy Day

This morning I woke up to the delightful peacefulness of a total fog all over GP. Not thick nasty I cant see through it to drive fog, but mist on your window cant see things far away kinda fog. It is now 10 am and it still hasnt lifted at all. Abbie got up for her morning pee and really had no idea what was going on outside.. I think she thought it was weird - she paused on the doorstep for a second to decide if it was safe before running down onto the lawn.

I have decided I want a digital camera. Sorry.. I have a digital camera - now I want a DSLR. Canon seems to have the most available but I am not a big fan of dad's canon which from what I can tell is a entry level not gonna break the bank sort of model. I have been really happy with my pentax SLR but they dont seem to have the megapixels available. It would be nice to be able to swap around my lenses from camera to camera though. Anyways this is a sort of far away purchase dream cause right now all my extra $$ is going towards my kitchen. I have been thinking that I could make the camera pay for itself by doing photo sessions for people and charging for them. But how much do you charge and how do you get people to pay for your hobby! Tonight I am going out to Shelley's to take a family picture of them - that is if the weather snaps out of its sad fog and into some happier weather (not necessarily SUN.. just not blah!) that i think about it this may be the way to go.. hmmmm. But ya.. I cant exactly charge shelley for the pics.. cept for maybe supper!

Well if anyone is wondering I have been thinking that a starting session could be $100 and that would include 48 exp, 4x7's of each, the negatives, and an 11x14 of your favorite print.