My house is a MESS!

Well! I just realized JUST how BIG of a SLOB I have become in the past month. There are clothes, flyers, cups, bills - mostly unpaid, pillows, blankets, golfclubs, other garbage, half dead plants, dirty socks etc all just LAYING around! Ick! I swear - when I get this kitchen mess cleaned up I am gonna become the biggest neat freak. This is getting embarrassing. Everything is dusty. The carpet smells like dog pee. My kitchen is MISSING. I walk on clothes to get to my bed. I walk on clothes to get to my desk. My mom would freak if she found that out! She NEVER let me leave clothes on the floor as a kid. Once I am at the desk I realize there is never gonna be anyway I will find what I am looking for in that big PILE! I have no kitchen sink.. so there are dirty dishes - even though I JUST washed a whole pile of them on Saturday morning in a "camping sink". I have to put on flip flops to get to my fridge cause the floor is so icky where the tiles used to be! And mom thought "Hurricane Hannah" had hit my bedroom as a kid. Well whatever storm hit my house was MUCH BIGGER! lol

BUT! On a much better note! Contractor Mike is coming in half an hour to give me a quote on what it will cost me to get this all fixed. I cant WAIT. I've waited so long for this!

Then later tonight I have an appointment to donate blood. I like doing that cause my blood pumps out like twice as fast as the rest of the people there.. and its about the only way I actually help civilization out! Apparently I have saved at least 12 lives now. What a nice feeling.