Crazy Stella!

Well tonight as Abbie was outside for a poop and a play I couldnt help but notice that Stella (super crazy neighbor lady) was driving up and down her driveway back and forth in her car with the trunk open while spraying windsheild washer. Interesting. Then I thought "maybe she hasnt noticed the trunk is open and something is binging and shes trying to figure out why" so I decide to be the nice neighbor and take a trek across the lawn to inform her. Well! Oops I think that was the first time I initiated contact with the crazy lady! haha.. apparently her car has a rattle when its in reverse. Turns out her 98 mercury car has 82000 km on it and has never been in a serious accident (did she not tell me that her husband died in a car accident in this very same car??)and all the fluid levels are up. I then got to explain what many of the things under her hood were. I am NOT a car person.. I dont ACTUALLY know this stuff..however I know a LOT more than her!! Oh and apparently it is just crazy that my living room and kitchen are open to each other "now your company can see all those kitchen smells" (what does that mean! its a dinky house your gonna smell all the food! And the lady across the road is siding her house.. and the other family across the road is doing renos and needs to paint their shed.. oh and "do you know how much that house over there is listed for" to which I answered probably 250 or 260.. "oh I dont think they could get more than 200 for that house its smaller than ours" well stella mls SAYS 259,900!! Then she almost ran me over as I was looking under her car to identify the crazy rattle she had going on so I let abbie chase her cat! hehehe.. now we are home again and that was about all the excitement I had today! Catch ya'll later!


Anonymous said...

Did you find the rattle? And what was the point in spraying the windshield wipers?

Allana said...

yup.. something on the exhaust is loose. I think she had just filled her windsheild washer up and was "testing" it out!

Anonymous said...

A little something told me to come check out the new pics?