Running out of time!

Well its wednesday! By this time next week I will be back at work again and all the Christmas celebrating and play time will be done with.. I have a feeling that it is going to pass me by rather quick! ICK.. I feel like a month and I am going to get 4 days..

And there is still so much to do:

-guys stocking stuffers.. you guys may just get socks at this rate
-dog gifts.. sorry JJ, Duke, Gordie, Rusty and Mikalah (sp?) I havent got your gifts yet!
-sewing.. sew much sewing.. hehe
-baking.. would like to bake more cookies!
-wrapping.. everything I have bought is done..but I seem to be getting a collection of mom and dad's presents for eachother in my house that still need wrapped. I think I should charge a storage and wrapping fee!
-grocery shopping - christmas morning breaky is at my house this year and I am not prepared
-cleaning! Mom will not have a stress free morning if she has to spend it in my mess.. she'll probably start cleaning or something instead of opening gifts!

oh the list goes on!
I'll let you know how it goes!


Anonymous said...

don't get too stressed it'll come whether your ready or not... always does!!
Is the place closed Boxing Day? I understood since its not stat they are open?!?!