Good Morning!
So it's pretty sad that I want to go have a nap and it is 9:30 am.. I have been up for all of 2 hours.. but I am tired!! Yesterday I was up early and off to Dawson to go sledding with Dad and Ty on my new sled! We went up and down a couple pipelines and played in all the powder. Well Ty and Dad played.. I worked my butt off to keep up with them! This new sled is completely different to ride than my old one and is going to take some serious practice on my part. Yesterday was good though I only got stuck every thirty seconds. HAHA.. just kidding.. but sometimes it did seem like that! Everytime I got in a scaryish spot I ended up oversteering cause apparently this sled takes less leaning than my old one.. anyways.. I keep promising pics so tonight I will post sledding pics from my trip to TR with Nathan and pics from yesterday with my new sled!
Oh and before and after pictures of the kitchen.. you guys have all seen the crappy after pics below but I will post a better one.
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