Crazy Neighbors

Hello all! Been awhile since I was this bored at work.. but here I am again! This time with a story about my crazy old widow neighbor who has nothing better to do than piss me off. I believe most of you have met her or have at least heard about her past antics.

Today's story started yesterday evening when mom and dad were dropping me off after a great weekend on the river. I asked dad to show me how to start the whipper snipper they gracefully donated to my "yardwork project 2006". So he starts it up and start roaring around the yard chopping down all the grass in his sight. Mom says to me while we are watching him do this "do you think SHE is spying on us?" and I say "well her curtain in that window there looks slightly kiltered.. maybe!" THEN.. not5 min later she obviously couldnt contain herself and she comes out.. pink slippers and all to complain about kids mowing the lawn. As a bit of back up for all of you I hired a ~12 yr old kid to mow my 2 ft lawn on saturday as it was finally dry enough, my lawn mower was broken.. and I was going to be gone for the weekend. Apparently I need to get anyone who steps foot on my property APPROVED by the crazy lady prior to them doing any work. Since when was SHE my landlord! I beleive that is why I BOUGHT the house.. so I didnt have to follow anyones rules! So she wanders over in her slippers and yaks at me about how some "kid" shot a bb gun at her front window and how she doesnt appreciate it "or maybe they just threw a rock".. so she wants to know the name of the kid I got to mow my lawn cause since he was there working hard for an hour he MUST have been the one to try and break her window. I think her reasoning was because he didnt do a good job on the lawn he must be a bad kid. Then she whined about how I didnt stay home and supervise the ordeal. Why the heck would I? If I had that kind of time I would definately be mowing my OWN lawn not paying some kid to do it.

Mom and Dad escaped home right in the middle of me and the crazy's conversation.. how unfair! Then dad was nice and called me so that i would have an excuse to go inside and quit talking to the lady. If I hadnt I am sure she would have said something about my lilacs making her truck rust. Not that that truck has RAN sinc I moved in! Good Golly!

Sheesh.. thats all I can say. Jodi mentioned something about "no wonder her husband drove off the road and widowed her" ~ are the cops REALLY sure that wasnt more than just an accident?


Anonymous said...

I think I'll start using her driveway as my turn around!! Pick you up at 5:00?

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.