DF syndrome today...

Well! Welcome to my all so new blog. I have not had a blog in the past so this is VERY new thing for me. It may even take me awhile to get in the habit of coming on here and "blogging". But as we all know Allana lives a rather boring life so this shouldnt be tough to keep up to date. Might even be fun. Everyone else seems to have all sorts of neat things to say - maybe I will inspire someone else to start a blog! lol.

DF syndrome - better known as me sitting at work and not actually accomplishing anything all afternoon.. with the exception of creating a blog. Yesterday was quite productive though so hopefully noone notices my low productivity.

So now for something about me... hmm.. officially changed my first tire on saturday. Yup.. driving back to GP from Dawson and right at the border I feel this whole "bump ba bump ba bump" thing going on.. so I pull over and walk towards the big HISSSSS noise only to find a completely FLAT tire.. not just a little flat but we are seriously talking about a flat and sitting on the rim sorta problem. Being a girl I immediately open up the glove box and dig out the owners manual. During this time Abbie (my dog) escapes the truck and scares the heck outta me cause my first thought is that she is gonna be a pancake as she is probably the dumbest animal I have ever met and would have to go see what those things ZOOMING by at 120km/hr are. I think there are donkey's that listen better. When I say something to her she crooks her head to the side and gives me a "i'm really really cute but I dont get it" kinda look. But back to the tire problem... here I am crouched down in my flip flops at the back of the truck successfully cranking the spare down to the ground and getting ready to jack up the truck.. and to my relief a super nice guy and his wife and their really cute kid pull over (about the time I was thinking "hello people! I am a GIRL!" cause only about 50 vehicles had driven by without a thought.. does ANYONE have a good bone in their body anymore?) and the dad takes over and does all the brunt tire changing work for me. THANKS buddy! Definately appreciated. I am sure I would have gotten frustrated somewhere along the way so he totally helped. His kid was cute too.. I shoulda got their number - looked about Alexandra's age! Haha. He kept running through the swampy ditch.. I thought for sure he would fall in and get soaked.

Then came the fun of having to get a new tire. That took a few phone calls and the shock of a new one costing almost $500 big ones! YIKES.. luckily two tire shops and 10 or so phonecalls later I found someone that didnt LIKE their tires so I got one of their take offs for a much more affordable $150.

Oh and for the second time in my life I am taking up a sport. The last time I even considered that was in gr 5 when I curled! haha! This time I have picked golf. Yes.. me golfing.. teammates be warned - i do throw clubs when frusterated. lol. The goal is to get over that habit and actually become a calm and decent golfer. However just incase the decent part doenst happen we are playing best ball so I can depend on my team to keep our average closer to par! We'll see how that goes.. tomorrow is the first night - wish us luck!

Ok.. well hope everyone has enjoyed.. please let me know if I am destined to be a blogger or if I should just quit now!


Anonymous said...

I say your destined.. but DF is MY PHRASE... I can't believe you stole that from me!!

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.