24 hours!

Just thought that I would note that in 24hours from now we will be in the air and headed to POTSDAM!! Oh look its snowing again too. When I come home I am definately diggin out a snowmobile and goin for a ride!

Mom and Dad get home in a couple hours too! Cant wait to see pictures and hear how their trip went. I guess they have taken lots of pics!

Oh.. and since I will probably not be on here again til next week - its my birthday friday! #23. Yup I am getting old. As a 15 year old I said I would be married and have a kid by now. What a joke that has become! HAHA..

Keep your eyes open next week for pics from my trip.


Anonymous said...

Married with a kid... it could almost be realistic for me.. if only I was 4 or 5 months preggers!!!

Jodi said...

Its next week... where's these pics I am awaiting?

Anonymous said...

I am getting really bored of reading this blog entry... its now the week AFTER next!!