Your Hair Should Be Blue

Wild, brilliant, and out of control.
You're a risk taker with an eye to the future.
YIKES! Can this possibly be true!? LOL

Crazy Neighbors

Hello all! Been awhile since I was this bored at work.. but here I am again! This time with a story about my crazy old widow neighbor who has nothing better to do than piss me off. I believe most of you have met her or have at least heard about her past antics.

Today's story started yesterday evening when mom and dad were dropping me off after a great weekend on the river. I asked dad to show me how to start the whipper snipper they gracefully donated to my "yardwork project 2006". So he starts it up and start roaring around the yard chopping down all the grass in his sight. Mom says to me while we are watching him do this "do you think SHE is spying on us?" and I say "well her curtain in that window there looks slightly kiltered.. maybe!" THEN.. not5 min later she obviously couldnt contain herself and she comes out.. pink slippers and all to complain about kids mowing the lawn. As a bit of back up for all of you I hired a ~12 yr old kid to mow my 2 ft lawn on saturday as it was finally dry enough, my lawn mower was broken.. and I was going to be gone for the weekend. Apparently I need to get anyone who steps foot on my property APPROVED by the crazy lady prior to them doing any work. Since when was SHE my landlord! I beleive that is why I BOUGHT the house.. so I didnt have to follow anyones rules! So she wanders over in her slippers and yaks at me about how some "kid" shot a bb gun at her front window and how she doesnt appreciate it "or maybe they just threw a rock".. so she wants to know the name of the kid I got to mow my lawn cause since he was there working hard for an hour he MUST have been the one to try and break her window. I think her reasoning was because he didnt do a good job on the lawn he must be a bad kid. Then she whined about how I didnt stay home and supervise the ordeal. Why the heck would I? If I had that kind of time I would definately be mowing my OWN lawn not paying some kid to do it.

Mom and Dad escaped home right in the middle of me and the crazy's conversation.. how unfair! Then dad was nice and called me so that i would have an excuse to go inside and quit talking to the lady. If I hadnt I am sure she would have said something about my lilacs making her truck rust. Not that that truck has RAN sinc I moved in! Good Golly!

Sheesh.. thats all I can say. Jodi mentioned something about "no wonder her husband drove off the road and widowed her" ~ are the cops REALLY sure that wasnt more than just an accident?

Go Oilers!!

WOW! My first real like playoff hockey game. Game 3 Round 2 Oilers VS San Jose. Way to win team. For those of you who dont know.. this hockey game went to three overtimes and the Oilers FINALLY won 3-2. This was a very LOUD and EXCITING experience. Rexall Place was packed! Fans were screaming! After losing games 1 and 2 in this round, the oil desparately needed this win. When I got to the rink and saw all the crazy outfits, all the super excited fans I had a feeling this game wouldnt be quite like the two before. Sure enough, running on the adrenaline of their fans the oilers went out and had double the shots of the sharks.. and played twice the game. To bad it took so long to get it in the net. Definately worth my money for the Ticket though! Thanks Skyler!

So here's the crazy part. Jodi and Jeremy and I leave GP yesterday at about 1 to head to Edmonton for the game. The drive took us a little longer than normal due to a friendly visit by a ghost car and a little tint ripping and this little yellow slip Jeremy is now in possession of. Anyways.. we drive the 4.5 hours out to edmonton.. head over to the LRT station and ride up to the doors of the rink. WAIT.. here is where we realize I have pulled an "Allana".. for those of you who dont know this is what we call it when I pack around a 100% useless purse. Yes.. I went to Edmonton with a pile of pennies in my change pocket of my wallet and a bunch of receipts. No cash. No Debit. No Visa. Ok so I can probably bum most of this from Jodi for the day.. oh oh..NO ID either. Yayaya I know just the other day I said it was out of date.. but that would not have stopped me from going into the beer gardens before the game! Can anyone say DUMBASS? Cause that is what I felt like! Luckily I had a trusty gas card in my pocket so I was able to not feel quite so terrible about the whole thing. Anyways.. to make a long story short.. Oilers won! And I got home at 5:30 AM. Yes I was at work at 8 this morning. Yes I am tired. Actually feel like puking in fact! LOL..

Why the rush?

Have you ever noticed how everyone is always rushing around? I am the worst. I allow myself to sleep in everymorning so that I am always in this huge rush to get to work on time. How many people do you know that could tell you that it will be 8:01 when they get to work if they dont have their socks on by 7:47? Yep thats me. Usually the socks go on at 7:48.. and I run across the parking lot at work. Once in awhile someone mentions something like "good afternoon".. but really.. what is one min? Its never more than 2. Its not like I take four 15 min smoke breaks throughout the day! Anyways.. for some reason I cannot seem to get myself to bump up that schedule 15 min so that I am always on time with 10 min to spare.. let alone slow down and drive the speed limit of a meager 50km/hr to work. Speaking of speeding.. it is way more fun to drive over the speed limit.. 100km/hr on the highway feels like I am crawling along like a turtle. I knew that would be a problem the day I test drove my truck. Even said to the ford sales guy in edmonton "this truck is going to get me in trouble".. luckily i have been driving it for 9 months and so far nothing. Knock on wood. Today I got pulled over. Yep.. somewhere between Hythe and Beaverlodge Allana is cruising along (and by cruising along I mean I conciously set the cruise) at 130km/hr.. I set it at this cause it is better than the 145 I would probably be doing if I didnt set the cruise! I have determined that this speed gives me the adrenaline and feeling I require AND really isnt that much faster than the 120 many other people are driving at. Regardless apparently the RCMP doesnt agree. So he flashes his lights at me on the way by.. "Maybe that was a flash warning" I think.. NOPE.. he turned around. Great. So I safely pull over to the side of the road.. turn on my signal light and try and make my dog stop barking. Buddy cop takes his sweet time walking up to my door. Did I mention I was late for a tupperware party? lol. Abbie is still barking. "Do you have your license and insurance and registration?" "Yep" I say confidently. I hand him my license out of my purse and dig in the glovebox and pull out the registration and insurance.. Apparently not only was I speeding but my insurance card is not up to date.. mr.cop mentions something about me getting towed. (UHOH) - then he starts comparing my license and registration (thanks to kristy THIS is up to date) - or at least I think it is. Nope I guess its not either. I guess they dont like my lister hall address from 4 years ago! Funny. I am totally thinking this is not going to be a nice ticket. And then! Mr. Cop says "so can you tell me why you were going 130?" - I didnt really think he would like the story about the adrenaline and feeling OR the being late for the tupperware party so I mumble a "I dunno" with a nice big smile. Well my smile worked.. "ok well slow down, I know its easy to speed on these nice summer days" and he hands me back all my stuff. NO TICKET? Not even a warning? Nope.. YAHOO.. he made my day! But the adrenaline was long gone.. especially as I heed his advice and set the cruise at 105 - I just couldnt bring myself to go the limit! Did I learn my lesson? Probably not. I will go get my license and insurance fixed though. As I am driving along after that I think "well its been almost exactly a year since they pulled me over".. yep last time was on the way to cancun last may... may 9 or 10 I believe - cant hardly get closer to a year than that!

Sweeten Up

Everyone adds sugar to their coffee, their cereal, etc - why not to the people in their life as well? Sweeten up - add a little charm.. a few compliments.. maybe hold a door. Today started like crap. I slept through my alarm, completely missed going to the gym and "prepping" for another frustrating day at work.. got to work JUST on time, only to encounter a scrap of paper on my desk from who knows where with just enough info for me to know that I actually needed to deal with it ASAP. Next thing I know S is rushing around mumbling about some order that needs entered because the truck is here to load it- which turns out to be the same order as the scrap of paper. But no time to celebrate the mystery of that being solved cause right away a new one appears, and to top it off three people (out of a total of 5 other coworkers) have basically bitten off my head all in the first 20 min of what was already a crazy day. People! Where is your sugar? Did everyone get up on the wrong side of the bed? Luckily there is always a forklift out back for me to ROAR around on and vent some frustration so that I dont accidently stoop as low as the other three and chew on one of them.

Later.. I was sitting here thinking about how nice it would be to get a "sugar" comment sometime when things are happening successfully and all is normal - no one seems to take the time THEN to say anything. And then I remembered that I would actually rather no comments at all as I really dont feel good after the negative ones and I never really know what to do or say when a positive one comes about. Just last night I was "window shopping" (you'll have to ask me) and someone was doing the whole compliment sugar coating thing and it just made me friggin uncomfortable! Then over lunch I was clicking on random peoples blogs (still so new to this I gotta check out what people are writing about).. and I found one about this very same topic. Crazy! Click on that link to read it.. be sure to read the comments.

Well tonight is the first golf game..wish us luck! And by the way.. our team needs a fourth so any ladies out there interested - give me a shout!

DF syndrome today...

Well! Welcome to my all so new blog. I have not had a blog in the past so this is VERY new thing for me. It may even take me awhile to get in the habit of coming on here and "blogging". But as we all know Allana lives a rather boring life so this shouldnt be tough to keep up to date. Might even be fun. Everyone else seems to have all sorts of neat things to say - maybe I will inspire someone else to start a blog! lol.

DF syndrome - better known as me sitting at work and not actually accomplishing anything all afternoon.. with the exception of creating a blog. Yesterday was quite productive though so hopefully noone notices my low productivity.

So now for something about me... hmm.. officially changed my first tire on saturday. Yup.. driving back to GP from Dawson and right at the border I feel this whole "bump ba bump ba bump" thing going on.. so I pull over and walk towards the big HISSSSS noise only to find a completely FLAT tire.. not just a little flat but we are seriously talking about a flat and sitting on the rim sorta problem. Being a girl I immediately open up the glove box and dig out the owners manual. During this time Abbie (my dog) escapes the truck and scares the heck outta me cause my first thought is that she is gonna be a pancake as she is probably the dumbest animal I have ever met and would have to go see what those things ZOOMING by at 120km/hr are. I think there are donkey's that listen better. When I say something to her she crooks her head to the side and gives me a "i'm really really cute but I dont get it" kinda look. But back to the tire problem... here I am crouched down in my flip flops at the back of the truck successfully cranking the spare down to the ground and getting ready to jack up the truck.. and to my relief a super nice guy and his wife and their really cute kid pull over (about the time I was thinking "hello people! I am a GIRL!" cause only about 50 vehicles had driven by without a thought.. does ANYONE have a good bone in their body anymore?) and the dad takes over and does all the brunt tire changing work for me. THANKS buddy! Definately appreciated. I am sure I would have gotten frustrated somewhere along the way so he totally helped. His kid was cute too.. I shoulda got their number - looked about Alexandra's age! Haha. He kept running through the swampy ditch.. I thought for sure he would fall in and get soaked.

Then came the fun of having to get a new tire. That took a few phone calls and the shock of a new one costing almost $500 big ones! YIKES.. luckily two tire shops and 10 or so phonecalls later I found someone that didnt LIKE their tires so I got one of their take offs for a much more affordable $150.

Oh and for the second time in my life I am taking up a sport. The last time I even considered that was in gr 5 when I curled! haha! This time I have picked golf. Yes.. me golfing.. teammates be warned - i do throw clubs when frusterated. lol. The goal is to get over that habit and actually become a calm and decent golfer. However just incase the decent part doenst happen we are playing best ball so I can depend on my team to keep our average closer to par! We'll see how that goes.. tomorrow is the first night - wish us luck!

Ok.. well hope everyone has enjoyed.. please let me know if I am destined to be a blogger or if I should just quit now!