Midweek Lull

Good Morning everybody! I hear that my blog is getting boring. Sorry! I guess I could go home and scan some pics from my trip that I promised almost a month ago... oops. A couple turned out pretty good. BUT.. I have been busy snowmobiling! And decorating! And wine tasting!

On Saturday I went snowmobiling out to Quintette.. (aka Tumbler Ridge). That was fun - but it was sorta blizzarding so it was very difficult to see and we pretty much spent the day getting everyone unstuck. Talk about stiff on Sunday. Saturday night was Mom and Dad's Christmas party in Dawson. Then Sunday was Uncle Randy's Birthday and him and Roxanne and the girls came up to Dawson for supper. All the girls were in great moods and it made for a really good visit.

Monday night I spent cleaning my house, decorating etc. I have curtains and a kitchen table in my dining room and the Christmas tree went up in record speed. Everything looks very nice and now I need to have company...err.. maybe I should clean some of the OTHER rooms first. hehehe.

Last night Liz and I went to a wine tasting at Royal Spirits. That was fun.. but I wasn't a huge fan of their selections this time.

I left my digital camera in Dawson so I cant share snowmobiling pics (mostly of Nathan stuck) and/or pics of my pretty much finished kitchen. I still need baseboards and toekick.. Thanks Trevor for getting the dishwasher up and running. I will probably wait to do the baseboards until when I do the flooring in the living room - but that toekick could be done any time.. does anyone have a miter saw?

Well now I should get to what I am SUPPOSED to be doing at this time of day! Work!