wednesday night was poker night for randy and roxanne.. so i went out and watched the girls for the night - which meant playtime outside with me and my camera! first real people pics since the few i took on the 10th! many many pic's later here's a quick sample! i actually have a couple of the three of them all LOOKING at the camera - a large feat!!

sleepy mornin

Good Morning! It's crazy - last week when I had to be at work by 7 am I could get up and outta bed and off to work with no hesitation.. but now that I am back on my regualar 8am schedule it was almost impossible to wake up this morning! Went to sleep by 11:30 last night even.

I think I might be coming down with something though - kinda have a sore throught this morning. Uh oh. No thanks!!!!

Anyone have something for me to take pictures of!? I want to take some pics! I haven't tested out the cool "lensbaby" on the new camera yet.

Ok.. short but sweet - i dont have much this mornin! Have a great day everyone!

day to relax!

well.. it appears it has been a full week since i last posted. i apologize for my missing punctuation - the shift button on the left side of my keyboard doesnt seem to be working and i am too lazy to go back and fix my mistakes..

today has been super duper nice and relaxing - i had planned on sleeping in all day as i was at work for seven everyday last week and was fairly tired by the end of it all - but there i was at 8:30 this mornin unable to sleep anymore! grr..

i took advantage of my energy and went for a drive out towards bezanson to take some pics.. all i found was this rather super scruffy little moose. ick! then i went shopping! new shoes, new la senza stuff, dress pants and some tops! that was fun!
then home to watch a movie which i promptly slept through and just super laziness since then.

last night i had randy and roxanne and girls over for ty's hockey game on the computer. super jealous of those dawson people that can watch right on tv! knight's snagged their regional title and are off to the ncaa division 1 tourney. next they play UMass in rochester NY next weekend! good job bro!!

productive weekend

clean house! yes! for real.. its clean at last! well maybe not all of it.. but the kitchen/livingroom/hallway/laundry room is all clean.. crazy spare room is still very unorganized and my bedroom.. well its my bedroom and it just doesnt stay super clean but if i made my bed it would be pretty close..

i finally took my bags of clothes to the diabetes bins today too, then to the fabric store and the grocery store and london drugs for a couple various things. then into the kitchen to make banana bread and apple crisp and then stir fry for supper. and in the meantime i sewed on the.. oops thats a secret.. more on that in may! haha

oh! and on friday i bought a new camera.. yup the one on the wish list from a few posts ago! how exciting! and now.. a pic from the new camera!

been awhile

Good Morning! Almost afternoon I guess.. 11:30. Its thursday again and I just realized I havent posted since last friday! Last weekend I worked Saturday. Then on Saturday night I joined a few people from work at "Dave's Comedy Club" for that-pretty funny! We then went to the Corral where Kristy was celebrating her birthday!! Happy Birthday Kris!

Sunday came and Becky and I painted jodi and jeremy's nursery. Just some finishing touches left now. Last night was supper at the Keg with mom and dad and gerald and denise. Pretty yum as per normal. Dad is off to Vegas today for Nascar. (I am not really what the hype is about nascar!) After supper last night I went to Ashley's and played with some of my new "Stampin Up" supplies! Ashley is now a consultant and can help you with any and all of your stamping/scrapbooking needs! They have some really nice stuff too! FYI she is going to do workshops!

Ty's birthday is on Monday. His present is sitting in a cardboard box by my door. I was supposed to bring it with me today and ship it away express.. Apparently it even takes Fedex 4 days to get there! Probably be late now! Speaking of ty.. his team is now considered FOURTH IN THE NATION! They play off against Harvard this weekend - best of three series. Good Luck Knights!

How boring is this really? I have nothing to talk about cept for what I have done in the last week and really that isnt much at all! Oh i went to Tokyo's for supper on Friday night with Aunty Colleen and Christy. Very nice visit!

Ok this really is boring.. I will hit "publish" now!

how cute!

ok..here's a pic taken with my new lens! hope you like! have a good day!