sleepy mornin

Good Morning! It's crazy - last week when I had to be at work by 7 am I could get up and outta bed and off to work with no hesitation.. but now that I am back on my regualar 8am schedule it was almost impossible to wake up this morning! Went to sleep by 11:30 last night even.

I think I might be coming down with something though - kinda have a sore throught this morning. Uh oh. No thanks!!!!

Anyone have something for me to take pictures of!? I want to take some pics! I haven't tested out the cool "lensbaby" on the new camera yet.

Ok.. short but sweet - i dont have much this mornin! Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous said...

I think you need a separate site for photography.. devoted only to that so you can give it our to people wanting to see pics and not read about everything else :)

Allana said...

thats the plan when i have more to post picture wise